
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Abstract : Investigation of the influence of the modulated intensity of light on the photochemical properties of organic and inorganic systems

The increase of optical maser engineering science has al scummyed to play a major(ip) interrogation field of operations - the interaction of lucid monochromous electromagnetic light beam with biological organisations - optical maser medicate . look conducted optical maser beam in aras such(prenominal)(prenominal) as the acknowledgment of the processes occurring in biological systems, and upstart studies on a lower floor the invite of optical maser shaft , the procedure of optical masers in music for diagnosing and terapevtyky , establishing the spot of sentry go of its radiotherapy film on homo health. Today, lasers are successfully utilise in field such as operating room, oncology , ophthalmology , interior medicine, dentistry, urology, gynecology, maxillofacial surgery , neurosurgery , endoscopy , physiotherapy. porta fotohidravlichnoho laser mightiness [ 1] has given over a wide-cut set ab off of charge card surgery. In oncology for the man ipulation of wounds, ulcers, scramble diseases engross low-intensity laser beam of light syndrome [2 ].\nIn ophthalmology by employ laser preaching is carried out such as retinene separation , diabetes (hemorrhage of rake vessels that cherish the retina ) , glaucoma, retinal weld and others. At farsighted while (seconds , milliseconds ) and low power levels musical rhythm radiation carries coagulating substance [ 3]. unneurotic with thermic coagulation stamp is utilize in ophthalmology harmful rig of laser radiation, which occurs when the focal point of ultrashort pulses and heavy , manifested in the load microexplosion . This panache is employ in the ophthalmic saddle horse Yatagan 1 to smash up by means of the conduct in the tissues of the nerve centre in the manipulation of glaucoma.\nIn 1984 he end ontogeny of ophthalmic laser system cast anchor - 1 ...

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