
Friday, March 15, 2019

how Is Helium Produced? :: essays research papers

"How Is atomic number 2 Produced?"Production Although atomic number 2 is one of the most common elements in the macrocosmit is a rare catalyst on earth. It exists in the atmosphere in such small quantities(less than five parts per million) that recovering it from the air isuneconomical. Helium is produced as a by-product of the refining of inherent gas,which is carried out on a commercial scale in the USA and Poland. In these areasnatural gas contains a relatively high concentration of Helium which has stack away as a result of radioactive decay of heavy elements in spite of appearance theearths crust. Helium is supplied to distribution centres throughout the worldin liquid dramatis personae in large cryogenic containers. The Helium is filled into liquidcontainers, gas cylinders and cylinder packs as necessary.History of Helium Production Government familiarity in helium conservationdates to the Helium Act of 1925 which authorized the actors assistant of Mines to bu ildand operate a large-scale helium bloodline and civilisation plant. From 1929until 1960 the federal government was the only domestic helium producer. In 1960, intercourse amended the Helium Act to provide incentives to natural gas producersfor find natural gas of its helium, for purchase of the separated helium bythe government, and for its long-run storage. With over 960 million cubicmeters (34.6 billion cubic feet) of helium in government storage and a largeprivate helium convalescence industry, questions arise as to the need for either thefederal helium extraction program or the federally maintained helium stockpile.In a move which would take the federal government out of the helium business, coition passed the Helium Privatization Act (H.R. 873) as part of the Seven-Year Balanced figure Reconciliation Act of 1995 (H.R. 2491). Although themeasure died when the President vetoed the Budget Act on December 6, 1995, theAdministration has made a goal the privatization of the f ederal helium program.On April 30, 1996, the House suspended the rules and passed H.R. 3008, theHelium Privatization Act as concord to in the House-Senate conference on theBudget Act. Subsequently, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources citizens committeeamended the bill to provide for the National Academy of Sciences to study how stovepipe to dispose of the helium reserve. On September 26, 1996, with limited timestay for the 104th Congress, the House again suspended the rules and passedH.R. 4168, a new bill containing the Senate committee language. This would avoidthe need for a conference if the Senate would also pass the akin bill. TheSenate did so on September 28, 1996. This report reviews the origin and

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